Thursday 12 January 2012

Use Your Sun Sign's Element to Refocus After the Holidays

Use Your Sun Sign's Element to Refocus After the Holidays

Now that the holidays are over, it's time for life to return to normal ... right? Sometimes it's not that easy. After all, your old routines may not suit the 2012 version of you.

This new year brings fresh energy that encourages you to revamp your career, relationships and day-to-day living. Explore what really motivates you according to your sign's element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) -- and get back to basics in 2012!

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
You power through the post-holiday blahs by adopting "just go for it" as your personal motto. Rather than dwelling on what needs to be done, simply dive in and take action! Uranus's positive influence helps Fire signs start this year with a fresh perspective. An experimental attitude creates a sense of freedom, and your unique ideas have great value right now. Furthermore, Venus brings a certain sweetness to help you get along well with others. Take a chance and announce your fabulous ideas -- you'll be surprised at how supportive others will be!

Make 2012 your best year yet! Get yourself a free sample Numerology Forecast today!

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
You're focused on practical goals such as paying off debt or getting more physically fit. Jupiter's support remains active for the first six months of 2012, bringing an abundance of opportunities to help you succeed. Also keep in mind that temporary delays are just that -- temporary -- under Mars's influence. If your grand plans hit a snag, make small changes and draw upon your Earth-sign persistence to keep a close eye on where you're headed.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Your love of communication and ability to seek out new information is what sets you apart. If you're in doubt, talk it out! Saturn's influence helps you gain new respect from authority figures, so don't be shy about sharing your wisdom. And with Venus lending a hand, you'll find it easier to work with others -- a crucial key to avoiding a post-holiday slump. Stay informed so you can make strong choices throughout the year ahead.

Be the best you can be in 2012! Get started on your journey with a free sample New You In the New Year Reading!

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Sensitivity rules the roost for you, whether you're shy about it (Cancer), secretive about it (Scorpio) or open about it (Pisces). Honoring your feelings is the best way to ease into the new year and ensure that you'll make fulfilling choices. As the year begins, you get a rare chance to focus on what's really right for you. The influence of Mars and Jupiter suggests your love life is ready for renewal, but fulfilling the changes you want to make might take a few attempts. Just keep in mind, however, that your patience and persistence will be worth it in the end!

Get an overview of your new year -- and learn how you'll fare in your relationships, career and finances -- with a free sample 2012 Vedic Moon Sign Forecast!

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