Monday 9 January 2012

What Your Toy Organization Says About You

What your toy organization says about you...

What your toy organization says about you...

If you live in a house with kids, I am sure you have had this frustration before - what do you do with all the crap your kid accumulates? Never more pronounced than after the holidays when the kids get even more stuff, the "how do I organize all this" freak-out begins and we come up with how best to get our kids toys organized.

I believe you can tell a lot about someone's life by the way they organize. How much time they have, parenting philosophies, and what their interests and skills are. Here's what I believe our toy organization says about us …



Organization Type #1: Alphabetized
What it says about you: You were a straight-A student all through school and now that you are a stay- at-home parent, you like to keep your mind sharp by neatly filing away the Barbies after the Airplanes.

Related: 50 toy fads that hooked us - Furbies, Gak, and more



Organization Type #2: Chaos
What it says about you: You likely have more then two kids and they are close together in age. Sleep deprived with better things to do - organizing the crap your kids collect is at the bottom of your worry list.
Bare Bones

Bare Bones

Organization Type #3: Bare Bones
What it says about you: You are more the outdoorsy-type who prefers to play with natures toys, keeping the ones at home very minimum.
Do. Not. Touch.

Do. Not. Touch.

Organization Type #4: Do. Not. Touch.
What it says about you: Perhaps kind of a germaphobe, you like to keep the toys locked behind plastic or glass in order to keep the germs out.

Related: The secret history of your 10 favorite toys

Wherever Kid Is ...

Wherever Kid Is ...

Organization Type #5: Minimalist
What it says about you: You don't ever want your kid to get bored. You don't have a lot of toys, but you have all their favorites. "Keep it simple" is your motto.
It All Has a Theme

It All Has a Theme

Organization Type #6: It All Has a Theme
What it says about you: Not only have you nailed the organization, but it's all kept to its own neat room tied together with some adorable theme. You are a mom who has a lot of time on your hands and likes it that way.
Toys are NOT Toys

Toys are NOT Toys

Organization Type #7: Toys Are NOT Toys
What it says about you: You are probably in the money business - an accountant or banker - and are always looking for ways to save for the future. Your toys have their own storage room, never to be opened and always under lock and key.

For 3 more organization types (and what each says about you), visit Babble!


The 10 best toy storage solutions
20 things you can live without to reduce clutter
25 totally clever storage tips and tricks
10 everyday household items that will help organize your life
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